Marketing meets tapas in baden 

W4 serves marketing snacks for breakfast



You can send news by e-mail, keep the crowd up to date on social media or discuss the latest trends in fabulous blog posts. You know that we love that! Sometimes, however, it's time to meet customers face-to-face and discuss business, plans and challenges. That's exactly what we did at three events at the beginning of June. With thirty entrepreneurs from SMEs and corporate groups joining an extensive tapas breakfast in Baden's "Almodo" we focused on two topics:

Marketing Automation – can I downsize my marketing department?
SEO vs. Image – whow important is my brand today?

Prepared with marketing appetizers, Sarah Wilhelm (W4) presented strategic measures with marketing automation, which can boost a marketing force’s effectiveness and empower it consequently to reduce staff. From lead generation and automatic workflows to the creation of various assets such as mails, forms, websites and landing pages, almost everything is possible in online marketing with Marketing Automation. In figures, this saves at least 16 hours in social media management, more than six hours for analysis and reporting efforts, and over three hours in handling recipient lists.

After that, Nico Schenk (W4) took the lead and went on to discuss with the guests the essential question of how digitalization is changing the brand and image communication of companies, also what this has to do with platforms and how a multidimensional customer approach can be developed through intuition and creativity.

W4_Marketing_meets_Tapas_Baden_Fruehstueck    Sarah Wilhelm in Marketing Meets Tapas in Baden  

W4_Marketing_meets_Tapaz_Baden_Nico_Schenk_Marke    W4_Marketing_meets_Tapaz_Baden_Marketing_Automation

To make it short, everything was perfect: weather, location, inputs, talks between entrepreneurs and marketing professionals and of course the delicious food itself.

We are looking forward to the next events. In July we will have breakfast with you in Mannheim (Germany). Are you hungry for marketing food?
