W4 is acquiring 100% of just-medical! in Baar (Zug) backdated to January 1, 2022. This will make W4 the leading marketing and communications provider in the healthcare sector.

With more than 365'000 registered HealthCare professionals (HCPs), just-medical! has become one of the most used medical platforms in the German and French speaking countries since its foundation in 2000.

just-medical! Website

The acquisition of just-medical! allows W4 to significantly expand its presence in the HealthCare sector and to further develop and scale the digital services of just-medical!.

"I am proud that just-medical! will become a part of W4 and I am convinced that I have found the right partner for the further challenges in the HealthCare sector," says Dr Matthijs Ouwerkerk. "Together with W4, just-medical! will be able to offer customers and users in the healthcare industry even more comprehensive online solutions and services in the future."

"With just-medical!, W4 is expanding its digital platform portfolio," stated Jörg Wenzel, founder and owner of W4. "just-medical! will be expanded as a leading communication hub for pharmaceutical manufacturers and specialists/specialists, as well as a platform for the matchmaking of healthcare professionals in Europe."

For you as a customer and as a user, nothing will change from an organizational point of view: Ms. Sarah Wilhelm and Dr. Matthijs Ouwerkerk will continue to act as managing directors of W4 respectively just-medical! The successful just-medical! Team will continue to be there for their customers and the office space of just-medical! will remain in Baar.
