Web first! - annual report for Hochdorf

As far as communications media go, the term "ultimate challenge" would not be far wrong for a business report. A legally significant heavyweight in terms of content, a highlight in terms of visual appeal and designed as the advertising banner for the company, its creation demands various skills from the customer and from the agencies involved.

The Hochdorf Group, a long-established manufacturer and international marketer of high-quality foods and ingredients made from milk, grain and oilseeds, faced a major step forward when it came to its annual report. The company wanted to offer its shareholders more than the online PDF to download. Ultimately, information is increasingly being consumed via online channels.

With the support of W4, Hochdorf is able to present its annual figures and strategic orientation for 2015 on its own microsite - all in the new design of course and with easily remembered positioning. The secret of success was that the complex creation process, involving editing, content migration, layout design, typsettings and correction phases, took place in parallel for print and online right from the start thanks to the Typo3 editorial system. All content was drafted and corrected directly online. Once approved, the print version was converted into a PDF, and the online version went live.


W4 services for the Hochdorf Annual Report 2015

New design - visualising values
Typo3 editorial system - web first!
Online microsite - reader-friendly, big on image


Online communication

Websites, online stores, micro-sites, digital marketing, social media, SEM, and more - Online is the future.

Mobile Marketing

In the age of smartphones, there is almost no way around mobile applications - thanks to iPhone and Android.



Typo3, the open source CMS system for managing on-line data. Quick, easy and uncomplicated.

