Arche Zürich was founded in 1980 and initially was a therapeutic residential community for drug addicts. Today, it is still a contact point for people in need of therapy for drug addiction, but also for people with psychosocial challenges. However, the Swiss organisation has become so much more: it supports disadvantaged children and young people, supports mothers (to be) and disadvantaged families, runs the Brockenhaus, the organic farm, a bistro and provides accommodation.
Arche was looking for a more cost-efficient solution for its donation process that could also be integrated with HubSpot marketing and reporting system. Unfortunately, it was not possible to process the donations via HubSpot itself due to the limited payment services. The attractive offers from Payrexx, especially because Payrexx offers discounted conditions for non-profit organisations, were ultimately convincing and the existing donation form, which was functional but associated with higher costs, was replaced.
Arche wanted Payrexx to be seamlessly integrated into the already established HubSpot Marketing Hub. The idea behind this was simple: automated and efficient donation campaigns could be created more easily and the most important key figures could be analysed effectively. However, the HubSpot Marketplace did not offer a pre-programmed interface to Payrexx.
To overcome the obstacle, we decided to develop a so-called ‘’private app‘’ – which is nothing other than a more fancy way to say ‘’interface‘’ – between HubSpot and Payrexx using an API.
The implementation came with numerous advantages:
By successfully switching from the former system to Payrexx and developing a customised ‘’Private App‘’, Arche Zürich was able to optimise its donation processing and reduce costs at the same time.