
Gamification Marketing for Lead Generation

Playing is human nature. The goal of Gamification is to use this tendency profitably for enterprises.

Game-specific elements such as high scores, rankings, or awards are placed in seemingly "non-game" contexts. Gamification in marketing promotes the interaction between vendor and customer to increase sales. Games can also positively influence loyalty to the brand.

Gamification in Business Software

Since not every company can afford motivational bonuses, professionally gamified business software lends fresh air to otherwise dry routine work. Used wisely, problems become more tangible, tasks become more understandable, training becomes easier. And the employees enjoy their tasks.

Gamification in Branding

Gamification can also be beneficial in branding. Prerequisite: The game elements underline the character of the company. Modern, young, and individual brands can be generous here and spice up their communication tools.

Serious and straightforward brands, however, should use gamification elements carefully and only when appropriate.

customer acquisition

Customer care is no problem with gamification. Because the games/game elements entertain and generate a positive feeling. This is usually transferred to the advertised product - an ideal situation for a purchase decision.


If the purchase of a product includes the prospect of another prize, customers are more likely to buy it. Be it automatic participation in a sweepstake or the collection of loyalty points - the goal is always the same: selling.

Gamification Marketing for Lead Generation

Memory Game

As a professionally developed gamification solution, the Memory Game turns the family pastime into a marketing campaign. The Memory Game also delight colleagues and employees when the mini game is utilised for Employer Branding. Challenge your target audience to a playful memory workout with this mini game and position your branded message with individual corporate branding.

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Do you remember Easter in your childhood with the exciting egg hunt through the garden and the children's shining eyes finally discovering the Easter eggs or small gifts? With gamification, you can give adults (such as employees or potential customers) as well the chance to participate in this wonderful hide and seek game! Spring a surprise on them with a professionally designed online Easter game, which individually and according to your wishes as well as target groups ensures a smile every day.

Place content and/or competitions or lotteries behind each window (up to 24) that participants click through searching for the Easter Bunny (which is the jackpot). The placement of the Easter Bunny changes constantly, so players can seek search multiple times. The chance to win depends on how many clicks were needed to find the Easter bunny - the fewer clicks needed, the higher the chance to win a prize after submitting a form.

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Gamification Marketing for Lead Generation  : eastern game image
Gamification Marketing for Lead Generation : Football Betgame

Online betting game - eleven meters to reach a deal

Football triggers emotions! Make use of this passion with a nicely designed online betting game. While your betting community competes for championship, you can score triple: position your brand, extend your reach and gather valuable information about your target group. You can use this information in your next marketing campaign. Be it a betting game with restricted access for your employees or a marketing instrument to strengthen customer ties – you’ll certainly profit either way.

Give it a try! Just click on the button and you will reach the free demo version of our world cup betting game, which we have created in cooperation with Braintrain! (login: info@braintrain.ch/ password: 1234)

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Online Advent calendar

In joyful anticipation, children look forward to opening their advent calendars every day. However, adults, customers, and co-workers enjoy this Christmas tradition just as much! By hiding prizes, tipps, recipes, raffles, or product information behind the tiny doors, an advent calendar delights people in business environments as well. The sky's the limit to your creativity!  

A professionally designed digital advent calendar ensures a high reach, generates new leads and gives you access to inactive customers. By playfully engaging them now, customers become more open to your marketing content at a later date. Additionally, a digital advent calendar provides your existing customers with playful variety during the Christmas season and helps you to strengthen your brand.

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Gamification Marketing for Lead Generation : Adventskalender


We take the fun factor very seriously.

We animate and gamify your mascots, symbols and logos or design completely new, movie-ready 3D characters. W4 Marketing Agency produces trailers and intros, optimizes work, learning and sales processes, designs complete game concepts and handles the subsequent 3D visualization and programming of the games - all in-house. You receive all services - from conception to realization - from a single source. Contact us!

Whitepaper Gamification

Learn more about gamification in our free whitepaper


Sarah Wilhelm
Sarah Wilhelm
+41 44 562 49 39
Termin vereinbaren


What is gamification?
What are some good examples of gamification?
What are the advantages of gamification?
For which companies is Gamification recommendable?
What is Gamification in my business?
How to design gamification?
What is Gamification in marketing?
Why Gamification is effective?